REF. 4011
Carpeta de Fundas - 40 Fundas - Colores Blush pastel

- Tapas rígidas con laterales reforzados en tela para mayor resistencia.
- Textura Mate exterior y alto brillo interior soft Touch exclusiva.
- Fundas extra cristal A4 soldadas al lomo.
- Presentado en bolsa con 8 Unidades
- Tamaño 23,5 x 32 cm.
- Embalaje: 8/24
- Material: Polipropileno 100% reciclable.

REF. 4011
Sleeves Folder - 40 Sleeves - Blush Pastel Colors
- Hard covers with fabric reinforced sides for extra strength.
- Exclusive matte texture on the outside and high gloss soft touch on the inside.
- Extra glass A4 covers welded to the spine.
- Presented in a bag with 8 units.
- Size 23,5 x 32 cm.
- Packing: 8/24
- Material: 100% recyclable polypropylene.